Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn

Sometimes cloudy, thundery days that are 90+ degrees out (and thus unfit for little people playing on metal playgrounds) require special snacks to keep us all going.  This one provides both entertainment as well as deliciousness.

Caught red-handed!

Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn
1/2 cup unpopped popcorn (I like to use organic heirloom types--so yummy!)
2 T. butter

Make the above as listed on your stove-top popcorn maker.  Be careful not to overcook (burn) it--you'll have to sacrifice those last couple kernels not popping for it to be right.

3 t. sugar (you might be able to replace this w/ honey; I haven't yet tried)
2 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. sea salt

Mix these together in a little bowl.  When the popcorn is done, toss these into the popcorn maker with another 2-3T. butter and give it a mix and a swirl.

Now, pour it all into a bowl and watch your good intentions to give some to the neighbors melt away as you rapturously stuff your face.  Maybe, I'm sometimes tempted to snatch the bowl away from JT so I get a little more . . . maybe.  :)
I can't blame JT for stuffing his face--it was pretty much
a race to see who could consume more!

Seriously, though, it makes awesome gifts (in a little bag or tin) to give to teachers, neighbors, people you owe a thank you to, that person who has everything whom you need to buy a Christmas gift for, etc.

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